Friday, August 10, 2012

Yay for Dad!

So when Madisen was young-er she had problems with #2. She would hold it in so long that a few days would go by when she would finally do the deed, and it wasn't pleasant to say the least. Well, we would afterwards say, Yay for Madisen! She got it out! I guess you can say, we still say that from time to time to her out of habit. Well, tonight the girls wanted to watch a movie and I told them to ask their dad.
Ryan apparently was using the potty, and the girls through the doorway asked if they could watch this movie. He grunted real loud, in a pretend way and said, Sure!

Madisen the said, "Yay for Dad! He got the poo-poo out!"

(Ryan did not want me posting this on Facebook, but he did give me permission for the blog as he thinks no one reads it. He's probably right.)

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