Monday, June 23, 2014

To cut or not to cut

After family home evening Dad asks Emily if she is ready to cut her hair? And donate it to Locks of Love. Emily says, "Yes, I want to cut it short."

Avery says, "Not me! I want to grow my hair out to my knees or my feet like Rapunzel."

Emily then says, "I want to grow my had like Rapunzel too!"

"But I thought you wanted to cut it Emily?" Avery asked.

Emily says, "Well I just changed my mind! OK!"

Articles of Faith

We were having Family Home Evening and asked Madisen, "What is the 3rd article of faith...she has been learning them for her Child Of God award.

She said, "I can't remember that one but I know number 4 and 5." Right away Avery recites number 3 verbatim and we just all stare at her like what the heck?!

"How did you know that Avery?"

She said, "I just knew it."

Funny girl.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Avery: "I tooted because it's exercise."

Ohhhh Avery. What are we going to do with you?