Sunday, December 30, 2012


Yesterday I asked Avery to go and pick out 2 books to read to me. Avery quickly said, "I want to read with Daddy!"

"That's fine", I said, "just go pick out 2 books then."

After Ryan took Avery into the other room to read, Madisen came up to me and quietly said, "Mom, did it hurt your feelings that Avery didn't want to read with you?"

I said, "Ah, no Madisen. It's OK. I know she likes to read with other people sometimes too. I am OK. Thanks for asking. You are always so good at noticing when people might have their feelings hurt. That is such a good quality to have."

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Disappointment in Full

We decorated the tree last night and and set up everything for Christmas in our house. The next morning I watched as Emily was coming down the stairs super excited yelling, "Santa came, Santa came!"

I had to be the bad guy and tell her that Santa wasn't coming for several weeks, 25 days away! I had to explain to her that we decorated for the Christmas, but that Santa wasn't coming for a few weeks.

The look on her face was pure sadness. She was so disappointed and also embarrassed that she hit her forehead with the palm of her hand and cried. It was the saddest thing ever! Poor Emily. She was crushed.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Yummy snacks I can't make.

I had just picked up Avery from school. She was beaming with excitement and enthusiasm (like most days) and couldn't get the words out fast enough to tell me how preschool went and all about snack time (her favorite part of the day. Go figure!)

Avery excitedly said, "For snack time today mom, we had the most yummy snacks that their mom made!"

Me: Who's mom?

Avery: Anna's mom!

Me: Did she MAKE it, or buy it at the store?

Avery: She MADE them! You can't make them mom, because you don't know how to. It's not in your cook book and we don't have that recipe.

Me: Hmmp! (oh really?! haha... just kidding!) Ok, well that's nice. Glad you liked them.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Embarrassing" Avery

Ryan and I were driving around Twin running errands with Avery and Emily. Avery was cracking us up the whole time, saying that funniest things and acting, well like Avery. hehe.

"Dad, watch this!" (She proceeds to fart really loud.) Then says, "I'm so embarrassing!"

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Avery's Prayer

I had Avery say the prayer for lunch and she said the sweetest prayer I wanted to make sure I recorded it.

...Please bless Daddy will drive home safely to our house for lunch. Please bless Emily can learn her reading eggs really good, too. And please bless Madisen is having a good day at school right now and is learning her math. And Please bless I can learn my sight words. And help us choose the right and listen to our mommy's and daddy's. Help us be good and have a good day....and then she closed her prayer.

I thought it was really sweet. I love that they our so honest with their prayers and say exactly what's on their minds.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mosquitoes at School

I went to pick Avery up from preschool and this was our conversation on the way home...

Avery: Mom, I never want to go camping! Ever.

Me: Why?

A: Because Mosquitoes will suck my blood!

Me: Did you hear that in school?

A: Mom, Mosquitoes don't go to school!! Ha, you're funny.

Me: (what?!?)(She must have thought I said, did you SEE THEM* in school?)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Today I asked Avery and Emily what they wanted for lunch because mom and Madi were off school shopping.  Emily replied, "Marshmallows!" Avery quickly added, "with syrup!"


I was driving the van with Avery and Emily in the back and I was singing to the radio.  Avery very calmly said, "Dad, you are annoying me and you're making me freak out like crazy."

"Yes, sorry your highness."

This Look Mom?

The other night I put the girls in the bath for a quick bath before my visiting teachers were to arrive. I told the girls if the behave and don't run around and ask me a million questions while my visiting teachers are trying to visit with me then I would give the them ice cream. I told them if I have to warn them just once then they get nothing! haha. I am mean, I know. Madisen asked me, "well how will you warn us?"  I said, "oh you will know by the look I give you!" Madisen then says, "This look mom!?" As she says this she gives me this crazy face, one eye is opened so large with the eye brow raised, and the other eye squinting with her mouth in a growling scowl. I laughed so hard!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Yay for Dad!

So when Madisen was young-er she had problems with #2. She would hold it in so long that a few days would go by when she would finally do the deed, and it wasn't pleasant to say the least. Well, we would afterwards say, Yay for Madisen! She got it out! I guess you can say, we still say that from time to time to her out of habit. Well, tonight the girls wanted to watch a movie and I told them to ask their dad.
Ryan apparently was using the potty, and the girls through the doorway asked if they could watch this movie. He grunted real loud, in a pretend way and said, Sure!

Madisen the said, "Yay for Dad! He got the poo-poo out!"

(Ryan did not want me posting this on Facebook, but he did give me permission for the blog as he thinks no one reads it. He's probably right.)

Prayers for humility.

Avery said the prayer for lunch. I said, "Thanks Avery. That was a really good prayer." She then says, all matter of fact-ly, "Yeah. I know. I say the best prayers." haha! Next lesson: Humility.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Smell something?

We stayed the night in Boise at a hotel the last few nights but as soon as we walked into our room, Avery says, "This room smells bad!"

Which it did. It did have a weird odor to it. But we stuck it out anyway.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Taking Forever

We were reading scriptures last night and it was Emily's turn. Ryan was reading the words with Emily repeating, however, Emily started to repeat the words slowly back with l-o-n-g growling the sounds. It was taking forever and after about 2 lines of it, Avery complained, "This is going to take FOREVER!...ohhhhhhh."

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Emily's 2 sides

Emily reminds me a lot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She has two sides to her, nothing in between. She is either super sweet and cuddly. Or she is stubborn and ornery with looks that could kill. It's a gamble knowing what side of the bed she will get off of every morning.

An example of when Emily is super sweet and cuddly:

The other day after her nap, Emily came happily running up to where Ryan, and Avery were playing barbies together. As she was waving to them, she said, "Hi Daddy. Hi Avery!" Then she sits right besides Avery, gets about 2 inches from Avery's face and says again, "Hi Avery!" and then proceeds to hug her and rub her back. She then turns to Ryan and says real excitedly again, "Hi Daddy!"

It was so cute! Just melts my heart when she does this. We all just laughed and said, "Hi Emily."

An example of when she is stubborn and ornery:

Emily will walk into the room with her head down and dagger eyes that glare straight at us. Eyes that say, "I'm going to make your morning difficult."  A frown strewn across her face as grunting noises quietly exist her lips.    And we know without a doubt what is going to unfold within 5 seconds of this "welcoming"... Emily throwing herself on the ground for attention.

We love Emily so much and will take her in any state of moodiness...yet, we hope  PRAY it's the sweet, cuddly side of  Emily that emerges from her slumber every day.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Our goof ball

Avery has made up her own language. Seriously. She makes up new words everyday to explain things or describe things, or just puts a twist on words that are already words.

For example:

McDonald's= Mickel Donald

Sun Screen= Skun Skeen

scramble= scrumble

She makes up words like, "Gumba",  "Poh-bah", "Zoggie" and says them randomly in sentences. We are like, Huh??

She also says weird phrases like, "please help me learn how to learn." Or "I runned across the kitchen really fast. I did that."

She is a goof and that's exactly like we like her.   We love how she talks and takes a deep breath after each couple of words, like everything she is telling us is the most incredible thing we have ever heard. She is so funny and is always making us laugh with her jokes and quick wit. We love her so much!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Magic Straw

We were all hanging out at my parent's house in Pocatello. My sister, April went to nurse her baby girl, Audrey in my parents room. Something was said that April was feeding Audrey and Madisen asked how does she feed her?

Ryan said, "From the milk her body makes." Madisen looked puzzled and then said, "How does it come out? Through a magic straw or something?"

Everyone looks at each other and Ryan turns to me and says, "Mommy can tell you about it."

Friday, March 9, 2012

Emily had been sleeping along time and I told Avery and Madisen to go wake her up.

Madisen said, I don't think she will appreciate that at all.

I busted up laughing. Guess you had to be there. :)


Madisen was running into the bathroom and Avery yelled out, Madisen where are you going?

Madisen: I am going to the restaurant!

Avery: A restaurant in our house?!?!

Madisen: I mean, wait, the restroom!

Avery:  Hahaha!