Thursday, May 10, 2012

Emily's 2 sides

Emily reminds me a lot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. She has two sides to her, nothing in between. She is either super sweet and cuddly. Or she is stubborn and ornery with looks that could kill. It's a gamble knowing what side of the bed she will get off of every morning.

An example of when Emily is super sweet and cuddly:

The other day after her nap, Emily came happily running up to where Ryan, and Avery were playing barbies together. As she was waving to them, she said, "Hi Daddy. Hi Avery!" Then she sits right besides Avery, gets about 2 inches from Avery's face and says again, "Hi Avery!" and then proceeds to hug her and rub her back. She then turns to Ryan and says real excitedly again, "Hi Daddy!"

It was so cute! Just melts my heart when she does this. We all just laughed and said, "Hi Emily."

An example of when she is stubborn and ornery:

Emily will walk into the room with her head down and dagger eyes that glare straight at us. Eyes that say, "I'm going to make your morning difficult."  A frown strewn across her face as grunting noises quietly exist her lips.    And we know without a doubt what is going to unfold within 5 seconds of this "welcoming"... Emily throwing herself on the ground for attention.

We love Emily so much and will take her in any state of moodiness...yet, we hope  PRAY it's the sweet, cuddly side of  Emily that emerges from her slumber every day.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Our goof ball

Avery has made up her own language. Seriously. She makes up new words everyday to explain things or describe things, or just puts a twist on words that are already words.

For example:

McDonald's= Mickel Donald

Sun Screen= Skun Skeen

scramble= scrumble

She makes up words like, "Gumba",  "Poh-bah", "Zoggie" and says them randomly in sentences. We are like, Huh??

She also says weird phrases like, "please help me learn how to learn." Or "I runned across the kitchen really fast. I did that."

She is a goof and that's exactly like we like her.   We love how she talks and takes a deep breath after each couple of words, like everything she is telling us is the most incredible thing we have ever heard. She is so funny and is always making us laugh with her jokes and quick wit. We love her so much!