Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bib Drama

Tonight I was craving chocolate cake, so after a yummy (healthy)dinner of grilled salmon, baked potatoes, salad and rolls I thought I can have cake...right? OF course!

Well Madi was still wearing her dress from church and I didn't want her to get cake all over it and I was just too lazy at the moment to take it off and get something else on her, so we put a bib on her. Well she hates bibs. She tells me, "I am not a baby. Bibs are for Avery..."

"Yes, Madi you are not a baby, but it's just in case you spill on your dress."

Eventually she got over it and ate her cake...or at least I thought. Ryan and I were in the middle of watching Home Make Over Edition, so we ate fast and then took our places on the couch to continue and watch while the girls finished their cakes.

Madi comes in a few moments later... "I am done eating my cake."

Ok, I say.

Madi dramatically replies, "And I quickly took that bib off me! ugh!"

(I had no idea that a bib would cause so much emotional turmoil).

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