Saturday, February 21, 2009

Brown Bear, Brown Bear...

You know that classic book, "Brown Bear, Brown bear, What do you see? I see a Red Bird looking at me. Red Bird, Red Bird, What do you see? I see a...." and it continues on this way through out the book.

Avery loves books and is constantly bringing me books to read to her and sitting on my lap. This one is her favorite! The other day I was putting on my "face" and she came marching in the room holding this book. She sat down and proceeded to read it to me:

Avery: Brown Bear page- "Rarrrr, Rarrrr, Rarrrr"(deep raspy voice)
Red Bird page- "Twit, Twit, Twit"-meaning "tweet" (while signing "bird" in sign language)
Yello Duck page- "Cack, Cack, Cack"-meaning "quack" (while signing "duck" in sign language)
Blue Horse page- "Heeee, Heeee!"
Green Frog page- Stares at me confused. I tell her that's a Green Frog- "Rib-bit" She tries, "bit"
Purple Cat page- "Meeeoooo"
White Dog page- " Ruff, Ruff," (while patting her leg, sign for "dog")
Black Sheep page- "Baaaaaaaa"
Goldfish page- smacks her lips together as if imitating a fish
Teacher page- "Hi"
Children page- looks up at me and laughs with her cute Avery grin!

I was in awe after she did this, because not only did she know almost each one, but how cute she was doing it with the signing and the noises of each animal, all with her cute little smile!

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